
Arty days

I have been creative as long as I can remember, but the last two years it is starting to become better and better. Some big artists see me as an artist to. And thats a thing it is hard to believe myself.
Once, a worldwide-famous designer was visiting me in my home in Amsterdam. His lamps are hanging everywhere around the world and are even used in big hollywood movies. When he visited me in my home in Amsterdam and saw my paintings he was a bit overwhelmed.

He said: "Wouw Wimmie (my nickname) did you make this?! Me: "Uh yes." He: "So you are an artist yourself, very cool! Why didn't you never tell me?" me: "I wouldn't put it that way.."  "Don't be so shy young lady! You really need to do something with it, it really inspires me."

But this is just an example of all the compliments I have had about my artwork. So now it its the time to try and give it a go. I am starting to send my work in for expo's next week and see what happens because when you never try, you never know.


In this post you can see some pictures and please share your upinion. I would love that while I'm
very new in this.

Lots of Love,

Willemijn Sofie


Stella, you make my dreams come true!

Dear Stella,

Just wanted to write you a short thank you note.

I saw parts of your collection for autumn 2016 on Instagram. Such a marvelous  job you did there darling! Playful eighties vibes, I felt in love with it instantly. Today I saw the pictures on your website and they made me even love it more. So thoughtful to make a lot of different prints of different kittens!

Stella McCartney autumn 2016 collection on Instagram
Source: @stellamccartney on Instagram

Something else I want to thank you for is the example you are making for the fashion industry for being one of the few designers who think sustainability in your work is important. If more designers would do that, the world would be a better place.

Dear Stella, I want to thank you for all this and let you know you do make dreams come true, you make my dreams come true.

Love, Willemijn

P.S. I'm  really Happy that the collection isn't out yet so I will be able to save some money and buy something next year!