Today is was busy with my study, not for an hour or
something like that, but almost all day long. The exercise was to make
pictures about the 7 sins processed in an theme you love. So the subject wasn't
so hard to choose, because my passion is fashion. But I don't do a photography
study, so it was a strange and new kind of exercise for me. I took only this
day to make the pictures, but I hope you like them.
Anne (you have hearth her name often lately) helped me
by being my model this time, where she was needed.
1. Lust
Lust means here sexual attraction. I used a picture from the Glamcult, a beautifull fashion magazine at
my wall. I don't know who this man is but he looks like a really good looking model. So we used my al
time favourite fashion magazine and an sexy human being with a lot of lipstick kisses from Anne as the
first sin.
2. Gluttony
I loved both of the pictures, taken on the Waterlooplein, my favourite market. But the last on is the best I guess, because Anne looks very gluttonous in this hill of clothes!
3. Greed
The thirth sin I want to show to you is greed. I don't think you can
better represented that then by lots and lots of shopping bags! This picture
was made for a really good looking clothing store on the outside, but believe
me it really disappoints you when you get in!
4. Sloth
This is a a picture we used my hands for, because my nails
were like this today. And fashion is not only in your clothes, but
also in the rest of your look. To be honest, they are still looking like this.
I have to clean them, but I'm too damn lazy today.( And not only today...)
5. Wrath
What’s better than ripping apart some import clothes
of someone when you are really, really angry?
6. Vanity
For this picture I take you back once again, to the
Waterlooplein. Ann did her lips in the mirror from a market stall, ass you can
see here above. (Funny fact: on the pink paper is written that there are old stock Viktor & Rolf clothing, but that couldn't be true!)
7. Jalousy
It is so stupid, I totally forgot that one... So I
will publish that later I guess. Not so smart of me.
I hope you like this post about the 7 sins-1.
X Willemijn Sofie