
Just in a creative mood

I seem to be in a creative mood the last few days. This is what I made.

During boring classes...

 And at home, an our agoI decided that I wanted to play with paint.
 And that is how dirty my hand was in the end. Hate to work with brushes!

So wenn was your lastest creative mood?
For know it is Dextertime for me, enjoy your day!


Willemijn Sofie


7 sins -1

Today is was busy with my study, not for an hour or something like that, but almost all day long.  The exercise was to make pictures about the 7 sins processed in an theme you love. So the subject wasn't so hard to choose, because my passion is fashion. But I don't do a photography study, so it was a strange and new kind of exercise for me. I took only this day to make the pictures, but I hope you like them. 
Anne (you have hearth her name often lately) helped me by being my model this time, where she was needed. 

1. Lust

Lust means here sexual attraction. I used a picture from the Glamcult, a beautifull fashion magazine at
my wall. I don't know who this man is but he looks like a really good looking model. So we used my al
time favourite fashion magazine and an sexy human being with a lot of lipstick kisses from Anne as the
first sin.

2. Gluttony

I loved both of the pictures, taken on the Waterlooplein, my favourite market. But the last on is the best I guess, because Anne looks very gluttonous in this hill of clothes!

3. Greed

The thirth sin I want to show to you is greed. I don't think you can better represented that then by lots and lots of shopping bags! This picture was made for a really good looking clothing store on the outside, but believe me it really disappoints you when you get in!

4. Sloth
This is a a picture we used my hands for, because my nails  were like this today.  And fashion is not only in your clothes, but also in the rest of your look. To be honest, they are still looking like this. I have to clean them, but I'm too damn lazy today.( And not only today...)

5. Wrath

What’s better than ripping apart some import clothes of someone when you are really, really angry? 

6. Vanity

For this picture I take you back once again, to the Waterlooplein. Ann did her lips in the mirror from a market stall, ass you can see here above. (Funny fact: on the pink paper is written that there are old stock Viktor & Rolf clothing, but that couldn't be true!) 

7. Jalousy
It is so stupid, I totally forgot that one... So I will publish that later I guess. Not so smart of me.

I hope you like this post about the 7 sins-1.

X Willemijn Sofie


My personal stylist

Hello loves!
I got my personal stylist for a day (not that I need one though), do you remember the post I wrote a few weeks ago about  'Helping Anne out?'. You could see there on set of clothing. But that weren't the only clothes I was wearing that day as her model. These are some other photo's of me, styled by Anne. Please let me know how you think about this little shoot.

X Willemijn Sofie


My little Amsterdam

For the 71 IFB project I need to show how I see the world through my eyes and then I can win free glasses from Lookmatic for a year. So it’s worth a try! I thought lets introduce you a few of my favourite places in Amsterdam. Because that is where I live. You can see all pictures together in a collage and some separately from it.

This is my Amsterdam. All my favourite places are in this collage. The Waterlooplein somewhere on the right. On the left a piece of an old cinema, underneath a little Berlin-like cafĂ© and some other places. Also you see some pictures of where I live.  Hope you enjoy it!
 –x- Willemijn Sofie

The first pictures are about an awesome Berlin Inspired cafe. It is called Brecht. It is nice and cosy, a bit like your grandmothers place. Everything in it looks like it is from 50 years ago and they have all kinds of tea! Even in a pink colour!

The next 2 pictures are from my all-time favourite place to shop! That’s the Waterlooplein for shore. It is a second-hand market in the centre of Amsterdam. They sell almost everything there!

Also I want to show you a picture from a  really nice old cinema near my school "Kriterion" and the outside near a little cosy lunchcorner. They are in the same street.

But you didn't had any proof that I live in Amsterdam, maybe the next picture will show that to you.

And last but not least, I guess. This little picture of this fashionable Bird! I bought myself a Starbucks and a Vogue because my exams were over. When I was trying to made a picture of it, this little bird wanted to be in it as well;).

Hope you like it!

X Willemijn Sofie

p.s. All the pictures in this post are made by me. If you want to use some it is okay, but mention that you got if from WillemijnSofie, Thanks!


Get creative with an ordinary Pin-up board!

Are you in a creative mood today and don't you have more important things to do? Maybe I have a good idea for you. Find a pin-up board and some (old) magazines and get creative. 

  1. A pair of scissors
  2. Lots of thumbtacks
  3. Some (old) magazines
  4. And a pin-up board ofcourse!
And then you can start to cut out some really nice pictures and pin them on the board!

This is how mine pin-up board looks know. I really like it, do you?

X Willemijn Sofie


Weekday, Amsterdam

Hello Loves,

Been busy for a couple of weeks with the study, but I'm a free girl again, yeah! So time for some posting.

I have posted so many outfit looks lately, so I thought it is time for a different article. Today I'm going to tell you about a really nice clothing store in Amsterdam.

A few months ago Weekday opened a store in Amsterdam. Which is so nice, I guess. The store looks amazing and the clothes in it, look even better. For those people who never hearth of Weekday, shame on you! It is such a great store, but after this article you never forget about it anymore. 

There are only  21 Weekday stores around the world, other city’s wear you can find this store are for example Stockholm, Berlin and Copenhagen.  And Weekday is from H&M! They bought it 10 years ago, when it was called weekday in Stockholm. They cropped the name, made a really unique concept  were fashion, music and people come together and searched for a few good labels that would fit with this.

MTWTFSS Weekday, Cheap Monday, Weekday Vintage, Weekday Collaboration and  Weekday Store made are collections you can find in the stores.
I don't you have to ask me wich my favourite brand is, that’s of course the Weekday vintage. But I can honestly say I love all the labels.

I hope you got a bit of an Idea of Weekday and if you want to visit the Weekdaystore in Amsterdam  this is the adres: Rokin 84, Amsterdam
going to bed know, it is 22.10 in the Netherlands and school starts at 8.30. Sweet dreams and talk to you soon!
X Willemijn Sofie

P.S. All the pictures in this post are mady by me, except the first (Weekday) and the second one (Superfuture). So silly I forgot to make a picture of how the store looks on the outside..